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Quantum Earth Page 2
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Page 2
“What did I miss? Are y’all having a party up here or what?” His southern accent was a big part of his charm.
“Just some crazy girl-talk, Hutch,” said Susan.
Noah was last in making his appearance. He was heavy-set with light hair that still covered his head when combed just right, and almost always wore a sweater vest. Of the group, he looked the most scholarly. Noah was a trance medium. He could speak to spirits on the other side after they had passed over, through his spirit guide, a giant of a black man named Jackson, who had quite an interesting sense of humor at times.
Each member of the team had their own special gifts which enabled them to more thoroughly understand the possible metaphysical causes of natural disasters. They were admittedly misfits in the field of science. But each of them had come to do this research having been guided one way or another and would willingly take any criticism the scientific world had to give.
Their mission was to prove (or disprove) the theory that the human consciousness has the capability not only to create its own reality, but on a grander scale to induce horrific natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. When they were done proving or disproving this theory they would move on to the “why” of the matter. If humans create disasters, then why do they do it?
Of course there were no easy answers. Even before Edgar Cayce’s work and belief that people create their own realities people had dabbled with the idea. But his work officially brought in The New Age belief that somehow, how we think and feel affects the outcome of our individual and communal lives. There was indeed no lack of evidence for and against this. Of course Christian thought came straight from the Bible saying that God created humans in his image, set us up in this world within specific parameters, but given free will. If you talked to any Christian about him creating his own reality, ‘pure hogwash’ is what he would say.
On the other hand, anyone delving into other avenues of spirituality, say the supernatural, would say ‘of course we create our own realities, it’s obvious.’ So there were those who believed in this premise and those who didn’t, and some people just didn’t know what to believe, but tried to cover themselves just in case. For these middle-grounders, confusion reigned. There had been no scientific proof either for or against this so-called theory. It was Hawk and Shauna who were daring enough to take this theory one step further so as to possibly save mankind, no less, and find out the truth on a much grander scale. Because something big was coming, something really big. And it was coming in the year 2012, during the winter solstice to be precise.
Chapter Two
“Okay kids, what’s up for today?” asked Hawk. He walked over to a large topographical map fixed to the wall. There were tiny colored flags all over it, designating natural disasters in the past six years all over the world. There was a different color for each type of occurrence. Volcanic eruptions were red, hurricanes were blue, earthquakes were purple, tsunamis were green, etc. Tornados were only included if beyond a certain class, and causing major trouble.
Noah said, “I believe the reality I created for myself today was a trip to the beach.”
Everyone laughed. Fern punched him lightly in the arm.
“Let’s talk about those tribespeople from South America and that major flood,” said Shauna, looking over at Hutch and Susan. They had flown down to interview these people who resided next to a very small river that rarely flooded– until last spring.
“First of all,” said Susan, “it was almost impossible to communicate because the interpreter we had lined up had died from a flu epidemic just before we arrived. If Noah, our favorite medium, had been with us we still could have used the guy!” she smiled. “We had to use someone who spoke French, which I understand fairly well, but they used some words that were untranslatable. They did draw us some pictures.” Susan looked at Hutch.
“It was actually pretty interesting,” said Hutch. “The pictures were more like Mayan glyphs, which I have studied in the past. Getting the factual information from them was a lot easier than getting the feelings and emotions, though. Susan picked up some things psychically, but nothing was really very clear. It seemed to me they were trying very hard to tell us something, but we just couldn’t get it.”
“I agree. The pictures they drew were exactly what I was picking up from them psychically, but I couldn’t make much sense out of it. They drew pictures of water, little wave-like patterns, but it was coming out of the sky. No, not like rain, but like from a bucket or something,” said Susan.
“I got it,” said Noah. “It was raining buckets!”
“Ha ha,” said Fern.
“What about alien aircraft?” said Rob, folding his fingers together in front of his face. “A bucket-shaped object could signify alien involvement in the flood.”
“I suppose so, but I didn’t get anything alien-like” on a psychic level. Did you, Hutch?”
He looked off to the left, trying to remember.
“Nuh uh,” he said. “They did seem awfully excited though. It could have been I guess. If that is the case then what would it mean in terms of the flood?”
Minutes passed in thought.
“God, if we’re going to get aliens involved in this it will complicate our research even more,” said Hawk.
“Hawk’s right,” said Shauna. “We have our heads too far off in the clouds as it is.” She smiled.
“And I have a few friends who would take issue with anyone accusing aliens of causing a flood,” said Hawk, smiling.
“I guess it was a wasted trip then,” said Susan. They had thought by interviewing people from such a different culture they wouldn’t have the Christian or New Age beliefs to contend with. Unfortunately it was language that had been the barrier in this case.
“There was one glyph that kept coming up, though,” said Hutch. “It’s the glyph for seeing in a dream.”
“Well, that could mean something,” said Susan, “Any guesses?”
“It could mean they dreamed the flood was coming,” said Rob. “I mean, lots of people have dreams of coming attractions, so to speak.”
“That could very well be,” said Hawk. “Let’s include that in our permanent data, but with a question mark. You got that Peter?”
“I’m entering it right now, Hawk.” Peter was typing it into the main database on the computer.
“Okay, let’s take a ten minute break everyone,” said Hawk. A sigh went throughout the room. Chairs moved, people got up to stretch, Fern put on a pot of coffee. Hutch went outside for a smoke. Susan followed him out.
“I thought we weren’t going to bring that up Hutch,” said Susan.
“I know. We weren’t. It just muddies the waters. But I thought maybe it had some meaning we could put together with it later,” said Hutch as he lit up a cigarette and took a long pull off of it.
“It probably just means someone had a dream of the flood coming,” she said.
“But what if it means something else Susan? Something important that we won’t know until we put all of this together?”
“I guess I was surprised at how little I got through thought transference from them. I felt like I failed somehow. You’re right, of course.”
Back inside Hawk was looking over Peter’s shoulder at the data they had accumulated, looking for patterns. They didn’t really have enough for that yet, but Hawk knew they soon would. Slowly yet surely they would track this thing down like the raging tiger it was. If they could find out how and why these things happened then they might be able to prevent them. But that depended on them finding out that it was true that we create our reality and, any good researcher knows that to study something with intent one way or the other is to change that thing. They could try to remain as neutral as possible, but would still cause conflict by studying it.
The plain fact was that the planet Earth was in great distress and if nothing drastic was done about it soon there was big trouble coming. Prophecies from all over the world foretold of
a great disaster in the year 2012. A pole shift some said; earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, said others; a planet named Iburu from another solar system coming between the Earth and the sun causing three days of night darkness. The Hopis told of the “Blue Star Kachina” coming from the sky. The Mayan calendar ends in that year. The Mayans were the first people to objectify linear time and record history. They were accurate and precise. The Bible speaks of a time of Revelations and the Rapture.
There have been many predictions from the past that told of the end of time, and many believed in those stories. But that’s what they ended up being: just stories of planets lining up in a certain pattern, or certain comets swinging near the Earth, or even the turning over to the year 2000 as being a catastrophe and causing mass hysteria even in the most critical of minds. Stories. Fiction. That’s all they turned out to be, and we all breathed a sigh of relief and went on driving our gas guzzlers and eating our Twinkies and going on just the way we had before.
In cases of true disaster we have never suffered any worldwide all-encompassing tragedy as of yet. There is a theory that it was a great comet that hit the Earth that extinguished all dinosaur life, allowing the meekest to inherit the Earth. The lowly mammals were able to thrive and evolve into humans, and here we all are now. Yes we have suffered devastation in many parts of the world. Few places are safe from any natural disaster that can happen. But what if it all happened at once? That is the question. The ultimate question really, because it won’t be some horrible story from some Southeast Asian country of a tsunami that killed hundreds or thousands of people that we have never seen, let alone met. Nor will it be a giant hurricane wiping out thousands in the Gulf of Mexico. It will be millions, maybe even billions.
These prophesies talk about the possibility of mass destruction wiping out almost the entire human race. And that just wasn’t okay with Dr. Melvin Bradford Hutchins or Dr. Shauna Marie Troy, or any of the others on this trail of scientific wonderment. Keeping morale up with a healthy sense of humor may have belied the importance of their challenge, but in a way it was a kind of life blood carrying them as far as they could go without giving up all hope to such an astronomical task. One day at a time they would put together whatever data they could in the most efficient manner possible. Although they each had a certain amount of cynicism about coming to the end of their world, they felt this was to be the most important work of their lives.
“Okay everybody,” said Shauna. “We haven’t got all day. Let’s get going here and maybe we will have time for the beach.”
Susan and Hutch came back in and everyone took their seats.
“Who would like to go next?” asked Hawk. “I suppose Rob and I could talk about our tsunami findings in Indonesia, What do you think, Rob?”
“I have compiled some of it, but there’s still lots of work to do. I can say that it was very interesting,” said Rob. “The people were very friendly and interested in helping us any way they could. That made it possible for us to split up a lot of the time. I hired my own translator slash transportation coordinator. He was actually a foreign exchange student from England, so I was able to have some great dialogues with a lot of the people. As I’m sure all of you experienced, what hit me the hardest was the bereavement of the people. It was thick in the air. We visited the places hit the hardest by the tsunami, where there was absolutely no forewarning. The towns we visited were mostly tourist resorts, so many of the people who weren’t killed in the tsunami were back in their own countries. But we have no idea what that implicates as far as a group consciousness occurrence. So that is data that would be hard to obtain.”
“First of all there was an awareness that some of the animals were acting disturbed for up to a day before it hit: chickens scratching at themselves, dogs howling and gathering in packs, cats climbing the curtains and hiding, acting like they were seeing a presence at times. I haven’t calculated the percentages yet, but I expect them to be up there as far as the animal behavior goes, but this the more common stuff. I also had my share of people with dreams that were either precognitive or just unrelated nightmares that rose in the preceding days.”
“Did you interview each of these people with the dreams or just count them or what?” asked Fern.
“I did some of each. I also took down dreams or nightmares from friends or relatives, so those will have lesser value when I get this all compiled. It gets a little tricky here because some of the most interesting dreams were told to me second hand, third if you count the translator. This one lady told me her aunt had a dream of an evil soul or devil who brought her to the underworld and tried to push her into boiling lava. I thought that was significant, but then again it’s the dreams from months or years before that are the most significant to our research. I only got one of those. He was this ancient character who must have been at least eighty or ninety. I think he was psychic actually. He said he knew it was coming, just not exactly when. He said it was a washing. The word in his language isn’t like washing your hands, but like cleansing an infection of the skin. Like lancing a boil and cleansing the area. He said there was an infection in the hearts of the people and it was nature’s way to do this.”
“Wow,” said Fern. “Pretty heavy stuff.”
“Remember that old lady in South Carolina after Hurricane Benita, Fern?” asked Noah. “She had some similar thoughts on the subject.”
“You mean the one with the cloudy eyes?” asked Fern.
“That’s right. She said the world was turning. Not ending or anything like that, but turning. I thought that was an interesting way to put it,” said Noah.
Hawk said, “That is interesting, but if we could stay on track here, I’d like to share some of my findings. I put up notices asking for volunteers to share their experiences of precognition about the tsunami. About a dozen people showed up. This one older woman said she had been having dreams or nightmares for months beforehand. The dreams weren’t specific, but all shared the commonality of water, bad things happening with water as a primary element. I used my tape recorder to make sure I got everything down and my interpreter was very good.” Hawk now stood, looking at his notes. “Another woman said she had miscarried, which caused her to have a premonition of heavy water. One man said he didn’t have a premonition, but he wished for a giant wave of water to come and wash away all the horrible tourists. He explained that, although their town is dependent upon the tourist trade, tourists are very dishonorable. He said they treat them as servants. For the most part I’d have to say I got nothing from that meeting either proving or disproving our theory.
“What about the past-life regressions?” Rob asked. “Shall we talk about those now?”
“Yes, why don’t you go ahead,” said Hawk.
“Hawk and I asked each individual we interviewed if they were willing to go under hypnosis so we could learn more. About half of them agreed and we set up a space in our rooms for this to take place. Hawk regressed them so that we could find a karmic link to what happened.”
“What did you get?” asked Shauna.
“Unfortunately there was no group karma that we could find that would account for what happened. Of course we weren’t able to talk to the real victims. The ones who passed over. That’s more in Shauna and Noah’s department,” said Rob.
“Well, if you’re finished,” said Shauna, “Peter and I can talk about our trip to Venezuela and the earthquake there.”
“Are you finished Rob?” asked Hawk. “Because I need to put more of my data together before I can come to any more conclusions.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty much done. Go ahead Shauna,” said Rob.
Okay. We pretty much got right down to it and did a lot of trance work while we were there. We did interview several people just to enter into the database, but the good stuff was from the people who had died in the earthquake. We actually helped a few lost ones find their way to the light. They weren’t too much help unfortunately, being so new to the death experience and all. Peter, wh
y don’t you tell them some of what we learned.”
“Thanks Shauna,” said Peter. “This earthquake only happened less than a year ago, so some of the “subjects” were pretty new as well to being on the other side. A few were harder to reach, though, because they had ascended so high already. They all had their own opinions, that’s for sure.”
“Tell them about the little girl, Peter.”
“Okay, there was an eight year old girl named Sophia. She must have been an old soul though. She told us that what was coming was part of the natural cycle of the Earth, that it was time for the Earth to cast away what had been contaminating it for so long. She said the Earth is in a highly unnatural and inharmonious state and the caretakers in the spirit world came together and made the decision to purify it at this time. It apparently has nothing to do with human thought and creativity in our reality.”
Hawk put his head in his hands. Shauna put her hand on his shoulder. Rob stood up to refill his coffee. The room was silent for a time.
Finally Hawk said, “What about Noah and Fern? Did you get anything at all to prove this theory or not?”
Fern looked at her hands. Noah said, “Look, it’s not as bad as it seems, Hawk. We just need to look at this in a different light. We knew it was chancy from the start that even as individuals we don’t really have much to do with what happens in our lives. Sure we have choices to make, but we never really know what’s going to happen because of them Why should it be any different on an Earthly scale?”
“Of course, you’re right. We did what we wanted to do. We got our proof. Nevertheless, let’s continue to enter whatever data we have. Most of you can do that from home and send it over here for Peter to compile. I need time to think. What if those few people are right? What if this cataclysm is inevitable? Just another natural incident on Earth’s time line.” He stood up and began pacing while the others looked thoughtful.